I have not been feeling well all week, and that has resulted in my not having much completed knitting to show you.

I think we should be passed the ‘spoiler alert’ time-frame for the Knit Love Sock Club June installment of yarn and pattern, so I thought I would share some of that in today’s post.

The yarn that came this month was my favorite so far:  433 yards of Sokkusu 100% superwash merino sock yarn in the colorway Ipomea.


This year, we receive two patterns with each yarn installment.  Sometimes it is two sock patterns.  Sometimes it is a sock pattern and something else (so far:  mittens and a shawl).

The main reason I wanted to share this month’s Knit Love Sock Club details on my blog is the awesome shawl pattern provided.  It is called Inglewood (click HERE to see it on Ravelry), and I just love it!  Heaven only knows, with all of the projects and project deadlines I currently have piled on my plate, when I will get to knit it, but it is certainly on my list.

It uses not only the usual lace detailing we expect on fingering weight knitted shawls, but it also incorporates a smattering of nupps, which appear like little berries on the shawl when done correctly.  I have never knit a nupp, but it involves knitting a large number of stitches (usually 9 to 12) into a single stitch on the right side, and then purling those stitches together on the wrong side to create a sort of bobble.  Most patterns with nupps go a little nupp-crazy and I find the finished projects look very ‘crafty’ (which I don’t like).

This shawl uses just a few, strategically placed nupps to create, what I think, is a really nice effect.  It makes it different than all of those other lace shawls we get used to looking at. 

I’m not sure how this serendipitous interest in nupps suddenly occurred, but over at WendyKnits, her current Mystery Shawl Knit Along also involves nupps.  She includes a nupp knitting tutorial.  You can click on any of the highlighted links to connect to her site and the knit-along.

OK, this concludes my sick-day post.  Soon to come:  a post highlighting my current work in progress and another sharing my plans for entering my knitting into this year’s Lake County Fair (my first one!  Ahhh!).

I will now carry on being miserable (and dreaming of knitting nupps).

~Happy knitting